Do you want to be

a strong, confident

and dignified man-

rooted in faith and



I’m Abdullah Oduro,


Trainer, Husband, Father.

I want to help you become your best self.



Do you want to be a physically strong, self-sufficient, and dignified man grounded in faith?

Welcome! I’m Abdullah Oduro - Imam, Trainer, Husband, Father... 

I want to help you on the journey of faith, fitness, and philosophy so you can be the man you always wanted to be.


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MasterMan Nation

Building strong minds, bodies, and spirits.

  Only iron sharpens iron. Expand your NETWORK and join a community of high achieving men that want you to win.

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I'm Abdullah Oduro

After studying for 8 years in Madinah, when I came back to Texas, I realized how my joints were hurting, how I was not feeling a lot of energy and was overweight. So I started going to the gym with a friend who showed me how to lift. I immediately felt different; much sharper, more cleaner, and much more energetic. After this, I knew it was a portion of his life that I needed to do in order to feel better and younger. I believe you learn your reality through physicality. By consistently challenging yourself, I learn more about myself through physically exerting myself.

I love to help men unleash things that they didn't know about themselves or that they knew and suppressed. That through the learning of your reality through physicality, you unleash that beast. It allows them to learn more about themselves, when they do that physical exertion, while at the same time learning about their nature, which is a beast, a man, a male. My goal is to help my students be the best men they can be on this earth and allow them to flourish and help others.