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MasterMan Content, Series, Yaqeen, etc

GYM Talk

Part of going to the gym is to GYM; Understanding that we need to challenge ourselves, physically and mentally. Knowing that challenge will only make us stronger. Knowing that challenge will allow us to discover different things about ourselves, how we think of ourselves and others, how we look at life. There needs to be a level of resistance in order to do that. To grow our minds is to understand that the mental journey is not going to be easy, but it will allow us to discover what it means to be a man, how to stay consistent in life from young boys to men.

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The Quranic Call

Reflection from each juz and how to actualize these teachings in our daily lives.

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Tabukiyyan Tips

These are excerpts from the famous book by Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya Ar-Risaalah at-Tabookiyyah, The Tabukiyyan Letter.

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#ConvertStories | Am I Muslim, Ghanian, or American? How I Learned To Be All Three Sh. Abdullah Oduro describes his early life growing up detached from his Ghanian roots, and how he found Islam. Follow along as he recounts his journey to connect with his culture, and how his spiritual journey inspired it all.

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Manners of the Mindful

Series of videos that will be speaking about our manners with our Lord. Teaching us how to modify and beautify the natural characteristics He placed within us to make a better environment for ourselves and make us better human beings.

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Whether you were born to a Muslim family and are rediscovering faith, or you're a new Muslim who has recently accepted Islam, how can you build a strong connection with your new way of life? Step 1: begin with the basics.

In this series, Sh. Abdullah Oduro walks us through the "who", "what", "when", "where", and "why" of the 5 foundational pillars of Islam. This series is not just for new and renewed Muslims—it's also a vital resource for convert coaches and Imams to use in their work.

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